Sunday, December 26, 2010


My pheromones affect people miles away – in a mild but measurable way. My blood smells like perfume. My personality is so magnetic I can’t even carry credit cards.

I love music and I love to dance. I don’t mean that I enjoy these things. I mean that I love them. Music and dancing fill my heart with a joy that makes everything feel right in the world. Often, when I’m listening to music I imagine myself being a spectacular dancer – complete with five inch stilettos and a sequin dress short enough to be mistaken for a top (if you didn’t know me better). I always imagine myself in the trendiest Miami nightclub. A tall Latin stranger grabs me and spins me onto the dance floor. He speaks no English. I speak what amounts to no Spanish. But dancing – fabulous, choreographed, expert level salsa dancing – is the only language we need.

What a loser! If I keep my mouth shut and stand in the corner with a drink in hand, I can pass for the sexy mysterious girl that everyone wants to get to know. But that has never happened to me a day in my life. For starters, I am physically unable to keep my mouth shut for any amount of time; but also because I am the world’s biggest goof ball. I crack incredibly corny jokes. I do the robot on the dance floor. And my face is like an open book – you can tell exactly what I’m thinking the moment I think it. Not terribly interesting.

Today is my birthday. People often ask if I dislike having been born the day after Christmas. Though I have been known to receive combination birthday/Christmas presents, overall I think my birthday (like Charlie’s review of Maverick's performance) is right-on. Clearly, Jesus loves me best. And in addition to not having to work or go to school on this day, being born at the end of the year helps me to reflect on the year I’ve completed and plan for the year ahead. I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. Besides, I’ve never heard of one that didn’t involve weight loss. (Side bar: You don’t need January 1st to start a diet or hit the gym. Just Do It.) Instead, I focus on what will make me a more interesting person. What, if anything, will balance out the fact that I am the world’s most incredible dork?

Last year that thing was triathlons. The sport has changed my life. And it has given me a head start on Operation Interesting 2011. The first time I travel to the African continent will be to race in my first Half Ironman. I leave in 24 days and can hardly contain my excitement. But even less interesting than being a dork would be becoming a one-dimensional person. While I love triathlons – racing and training – I don’t want my life to be consumed by them. This year, while I will continue with my newfound love, I will also find a new accomplishment to help me become extraordinary. With a last name like Gonzalez I should consider salsa lessons so that I can stop doing the robot on the dance floor. OK, I won’t go that far – it is my signature move. But maybe I will be able to walk into a dance club in Havana, summon the attention of the most interesting man in the room, and in five inch heels and ridiculously short and flowy white dress, dance the dance of love. (While the details of my fantasy change, the short dress and high heels remain constant.)

I am serious when I say that I don’t make New Year's resolutions. I don’t know that I will ever be an international salsa star - beyond my own imagination. Right now I am focused on surviving my Half Ironman, January 23rd in South Africa: 1.2 miles swimming, 56 miles biking, 13.1 miles running. However, I do know that next year, as I reflect on my life and my impending 22nd birthday, I will remain the silliest girl that ever walked the planet, but I will also be a little more interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Lonelli! Colinda had surgery on the 17th, so she didn't see your invite until this morning. Good luck with your 70.3. We are doing ours at Cedar Point on 9/11.
    Best wishes,
